1 vs 100 US beta going well

The US beta of 1 vs 100 looks like it is going well, there were 90,000 people playing it on Saturday night and MS have now started testing the Extended Play version of the game.

Keep an eye on your dashboard for the play shedual.

User impresions of the US 1 vs 100 beta

Feedback seems good even though the beta was limites to 50,000 people.

Read their thoughts here


Win a car in the UK addition of 1 vs 100

In an interview recently Paul Crutchley European lead for 1 vs 100 has confirmed that you will be able to win a car in the UK version of 1 vs 100.

Responding to questions about prizes this was his answer:
“We have some truly amazing prizes for playing 1vs100 in season 1. All potential prize winners will go through a personal identification verification prior to winning a prize, and will have to be over 18.

Week on week in the LIVE games a player can win up to 10,000 MS points and if the ONE knocks out all of the MOB a special country specific prize, from MP3 players, Camera, Laptops, Holidays and even a CAR (UK only)!”

Interview with 1 vs 100 European lead

One point from the following interview that will upset a lot of people is that 1 vs 100 series one is only coming to the UK, ROI, France and Germany.

Source: Xbox Live Addicts

Answered By Paul Crutchley, European Product Lead, 1 vs 100

(1) 1 vs 100 was originally slated for release at the same time as the NXE. What made you decide to hold back? Has the extra time been useful?

1vs100 is a new kind of game, with a lot of new technology underpinning it, so a decision was taken to separate 1vs100 from NXE to ensure we got the game right, with regard to developing the game itself and testing it in a few different countries.

(2) Tell us about the structure of the game. How many people can get into the ‘crowd’?

There are 2 parts to the game, Extended play and LIVE play. Extended play is a ½ hour episode where you basically play for fun. Extended play is available during the week between 6-10pm (schedule being finalized).. The LIVE games are available in the UK / ROI twice a week, on Saturdays and Sundays, in Germany and France on Sundays. In the LIVE game 101 people are selected from all members wanting to play, these participants are split into the MOB (made up of 100 people) and the ONE. The ONE then plays against the MOB to knock out as many of the MOB as possible. The more MOB knocked out the bigger the prize!

(3) And from the crowd how are people chosen to go into the ‘mob’?

As above when the game starts 101 people are selected to be in the MOB and the ONE. Everyone else plays in the Crowd ! In LIVE play (which lasts for 2 hours) multiple ONEs and MOBs will be selected, this depends on how well the ONE progresses. The more you play in the week in Extended play – the better your chance of being in the MOB or the ONE.

(4) What about these ‘Lifelines’, how does that work?

You have 3 Lifelines, ‘Trust the MOB’ is the most popular from all MOB members– it’s the answer the MOB select. ‘Trust the CROWD’, is the most popular answer from the CROWD. ‘Trust the BRAIN’, is the answer from the highest scoring person in the GAME (regardless of role). The ONE may select a lifeline at any point in the game, but if they get any of the first 3 questions incorrect a lifeline will automatically be used.

(5) What’s the difference between the Extended Play and Live games?

Extended Play games are 30 minutes in duration, playable for fun, therefore there is no ONE and MOB, in theory everyone is the MOB, and everyone is the ONE. There are no SKILL prizes for getting questions correct or how many questions you get correct.

LIVE play – is 2 hours in duration, and in the UK / ROI will have a live host commentating on the game itself, so hyping up the game, calling out players, performing live chat with players. Also in the LIVE game, the ONE and the MOB are playing for skill prizes. The better the MOB and ONE do the better the prize!

(6) What happens if the ‘One’ gets knocked out in the first few questions?

A help is automatically used to ensure the ONE stays in, up to a maximum of 3 helps.

(7) Let’s talk localisation. Who will be the European hosts? Will the hosts be different for the extended and live games

So UK and ROI have a live host, this will be James McCourt for the UK. France and Germany do not have live hosts for season 1, but we are working hard to extend live hosts in further seasons. They do however have subtitles during the Live game.

All countries have a recorded host in the game in Extended Play and Live games. The recorded host provides a superb game experience by guiding players through the questions, and giving atmosphere. All recorded hosts are localized into their native languages.

(8) We’ve seen that we’ll be able to use our Avatars in game. Do they just stand there or can we do anything with them?

Your avatar does appear in the game and will be personal to your own GamerTag. Avatars have things called ‘Avatar actions’ and ‘amping’. Either in the Lobby (before the game starts) or whilst the game is playing you can press the ‘Y’ button repeatidly, this will animate your Avatar, and then by moving your controller left or right, you can change the Avatar action. If you repeatedly press the ‘Y’ very fast your avatar will dance!

(9) Why is Europe not included in the Canadian beta?

The Canada beta was selected as a mass proving of the game. Europe features highly in the roll out of the game, and we are actively involved in the Canadian beta, and we are learning from it. This will help us in Europe understand our unique conditions with multiple countries and localized languages.

(10) We’ve heard that a lot of arcade games and Microsoft points will be awarded through this. What games will it be?

There will be a selection of Arcade titles for players who get to be in the MOB after a number are knocked out, and also for the top 3 players in the Crowd, and also for the ONE in the LIVE game. These will be redeemed by Code using email to contact winners. An active email address must be against the Gamertag in order for us to get in touch otherwise you will be ineligible to win. A detailed list of Arcade titles will be available on xbox.com soon.

(11) There are also rumors of huge grand prizes for the victorious! What kind of thing are we talking here? How difficult is it going to be win?

We have some truly amazing prizes for playing 1vs100 in season 1. All potential prize winners will go through a personal identification verification prior to winning a prize, and will have to be over 18.

Week on week in the LIVE games a player can win up to 10,000 MS points and if the ONE knocks out all of the MOB a special country specific prize, from MP3 players, Camera, Laptops, Holidays and even a CAR (UK only)!

Additionally – for every question you answer (in LIVE or Extended play) to a maximum of 500 questions you get automatically entered into a sweepstake prize draw (twice per season). These will have 25 prizes per country per sweepstake, 20 of these will be arcade titles, 5 top prize winners could receive, laptops, holiday vouchers, and again in France and Germany a CAR!

(12) Is it true that it will all be free?

Season 1 the game is free to Xbox LIVE Gold members. Silvers can join with a Gold player and play as a guest, but only Xbox LIVE Gold members who are over 18 can win prizes.

(13) How do Silver members fit into this? Can they play at all and if not, can they spectate somehow?

As above Silvers can be invited as guests to play, however they can only play in the crowd and are not eligible to win prizes. They need to upgrade to Xbox LIVE Gold to win.

(14) There have been some Achievements leaked online. Are they accurate? Is it true that each season will bring new achievement and if so how will that work?

There will be Achievements for the game and yes there is the possibility that they will change Season to Season.

(15) Finally, do we have European launch date/dates?

We would love to provide you with dates for Launching and rolling out further, As soon as we can we will!

1 vs 100 Achievements leaked

As we all know, every season of 1 vs 100 on XBL will carry with it 200 achievement points which you can earn. Today the list for season 1 leaked.

Here is the complete list.

Golden Century – 25G
Answer a total of 100 questions correctly.

Hair Trigger – 15G
Get three consecutive questions right while receiving an Instant Answer Bonus for each.

Trivia Fanatic – 30G
Answer a total of 500 questions

Go Streaking! – 15G
In a single round, achieved a Streak of 5 consecutive correct answers.

Group Hug – 10G
Your team of four achieved a simultaneous Streak of three consecutive correct answers.

Quarter Century -10G
Answer a total of 25 questions correct

Low Rider – 5G
Answer instantly and incorrectly three times in a row

Showboating Specialist – 10G
In a single 1 vs 100 LIVE round, max out your Avatar Action 10 times.

Thrifty Skipper – 10G
Extended Play: In a single round, save up the maximum of three skips.

Speedy Delivery – 20G
In a single round, score a total of 1300 points through time bonuses.

Game Show Guru – 25G
In any single round, achieve a Streak of 12 correct answers.

Quick Draw – 25G
In a single round, receive six consecutive Instant Answer Bonuses



1 vs 100 Beta game play

Video posted by RaTeDInFeRnO:
Here is the first showing of 1 vs 100 beta that i played in. I didnt get to be the 1 or the 100 so i was a part of the crowd the whole game but it was very fun and i cant wait for this game to come out. There will also be a few more betas happening soon which are available to canadians only & that i will also be attending and recording for youtube to see!

Interview with the director of 1 vs 100

Click the link to read the interview

Preview of the Canadian Beta of 1vs100 on Xbox 360

Canadian preview event for the new 1 vs 100 beta launching May 8, 2009 exclusively in Canada. Check it out at http://www.xbox.com/en-CA/live/1vs100/.